
from Jul, 2014

Kartik Prabhu
Kartik Prabhu
Delicious whiskey punch named after Dusty Rhodes at in Chicago
Kartik Prabhu
replied to a post on Twitter with
It should. I found some error in my blog code… will fix soon. Thanks for letting me know!
Kartik Prabhu
“This kind of attitude makes the perfect the enemy of the good.” — Tom Morris
Kartik Prabhu
Amusing & sad to see #sexist idiots angry at the new woman #Thor, though seems to have the traditional-male appeasing physical attributes!
Kartik Prabhu
“…ask yourself the question, think about it a bit, and then take the stairs” - D. Keith Robinson
Kartik Prabhu
To the guy who once said to me: “You have no web presence, if you don’t have an Orkut account.” How you like me now? - K #indieweb
Kartik Prabhu
replied to a post on with
I met Chloe at IWC-2014-East. She was very sweet, really funny and most helpful! I distinctly remember thinking, “I should hang out with her more…”
Kartik Prabhu
replied to a post on with
Update: Marginalia is now active on all posts that accept responses! Fun…
Kartik Prabhu
replied to a post on with
Making hollow icons in SVG without a new image. Just use: fill: none; stroke: currentColor; stroke-width: 2; in CSS! see:
Kartik Prabhu
Kartik Prabhu
replied to a post on Google+ with
I had to put “WSGIPassAuthorization On” in my httpd.conf file to make Apache pass the authorization variable.
Kartik Prabhu
replied to a post on with
awesome live header! also Warren Ellis… oh hell yeah!
Kartik Prabhu
replied to a post on with
Witchcraft! I say!
Kartik Prabhu
replied to a post on Twitter with
@shepazu There are some Wordpress plugins for syndication, listed on . I know you are miffed at @indiewebcamp but you can still leverage their good docs ;) Also, I am not a Wordpress guy, but a lot of people in indiewebcamp use it and so it is well documented.
Kartik Prabhu
replied to a post on Twitter with
depends on what you want to do next. You already post on your blog I see. Any particular task you have in mind?
Kartik Prabhu
replied to a post on Twitter with
I’ll support twitter on my site and you can fix your blog, deal? ;) #indieweb
Kartik Prabhu
replied to a post on Twitter with
@shepazu thanks for looking at this. I’ll fix my site over the weekend so your Twitter comment works!
Kartik Prabhu
@neilhimself what do you make of fanart attempts such as mine #askNeil
Kartik Prabhu
replied to a post on with
“Is failure, then, a purely negative aspect of the pursuit of science?” — Ch.2 The Pursuit of Science: Its Motivations [1985] - S. Chandrasekhar * ‘nope! It is important to learn why something does not work.’
Kartik Prabhu
@craigmod I wrote/made a thing inspired by the post-artifact system: