Kartik Prabhu
why can’t people get over this Fermi paradox stuff! If you make a bunch of unfounded assumptions you can get any paradox you like…
Kartik Prabhu
beautiful photo!
Kartik Prabhu
@EricMeyer’s very important post on algorithms, empathy and edge cases: http://meyerweb.com/eric/thoughts/2014/12/24/inadvertent-algorithmic-cruelty/
Kartik Prabhu
I realise I am 6 years too late to this, and hopefully you still read the comments:
The trouble I have with this proposal is that I can not select the text inside the linked paragraph without triggering the onclick which then takes me to the link. Is there a solution to this. (I really like selecting text!)
A related proposal that might be of interest is: https://indiewebcamp.com/fragmention
Kartik Prabhu
get @DivyaTaks’s new portfolio site up and running as my 2015-01-01 #indieweb commitment
Kartik Prabhu
or @tantek’s project http://asin.cc/ to make prettier @amazon URLs!
Kartik Prabhu
@CraigMod might be easier on Santa if @amazon just showed this URL instead: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B0032HF60M
Kartik Prabhu
Can I host Medium on my domain? Probably not! Which is why I don’t see the conflict with #indieweb
Kartik Prabhu
“wikis don’t lie” a mix of “waka waka” and “hips don’t lie”!
Kartik Prabhu
why would anyone have a conflict between Medium and #indieweb ?
Kartik Prabhu
launched “original-of” yesterday on site. Find original post from Twitter/G+ or any syndicated url using https://kartikprabhu.com/original-of/ #indieweb
Kartik Prabhu
@CraigMod I have found the same to be true of science! People seem to like science-facts and design-products more than the process itself.
Kartik Prabhu
The Putter
(noun): a putter-togetherer of scissors.
Kartik Prabhu
Beautifully written article Jeremy, though as a JS n00b I had a question about mustard-cutting:
Should I do the mustard-cutting test for every JavaScript function that is used in the code? I ask so I can improve my marginalia code: https://github.com/kartikprabhu/marginalia/blob/master/marginalia.js
Kartik Prabhu
“And, perhaps, our need to find something real at the base of myth, something to have caused the stories. Wanting there to be some magic in the dirt. Just a little bit. Just enough to justify the centuries of dreaming.” — @WarrenEllis in http://morning.computer/2014/11/political-wizard/
A possible refutation of my rant: https://kartikprabhu.com/article/science-in-science-fiction
Kartik Prabhu
debating #Interstellar with relativists… quite entertaining.
Kartik Prabhu
dreamt @WilliamShatner was my boss. rewatching too much #BostonLegal DENNY CRANE!