Kartik Prabhu
Sounds more like a description of anything on the Web really.
Kartik Prabhu
@SteveMcCurry has a blog! How did I not know of this!
Found via @SushilSub on FB
Kartik Prabhu
@EmilBjörklund the way I do it in Django is to have Response model that stores the URL to which the webmention is sent. Then the URL which accepts webmention can access it via a query.
This way, if a webmention is sent to some page that currently does not support webmention recieving it is still stored and in the future I can activate it by adding some query stuff to that page model to display it.
Kartik Prabhu
“And they ask, Has it changed your life? And I shrug. And they are so disappointed. They want me to say, Yes.” — @CraigMod
Kartik Prabhu
Kartik Prabhu
“Alice is browsing Bobs social profile on the web and finds an interesting note, Alice navigates to the notes permalink and decides she wants to inspect the Activity Streams representation of the note”
Bob responds: it’s just HTML, use that. why add JSON? ;-)
Alice gets confused and says she needs JSON.
Bob points out that HTML is the language of the web.
Alice sees how silly it is and learns to love HTML.
— user story by @TomMorris at http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-05-02#t1430606718931
Kartik Prabhu
Javascript UI to get the fragmention (http://indiewebcamp.com/fragmention) link of selected text. https://github.com/kartikprabhu/fragmentioner #indieweb