
from Dec, 2016

Kartik Prabhu
I think what you are looking for is Webmention
Kartik Prabhu
Dear “journal” spammers, This “Papers prepared in .pdf or .doc files may be submitted through e-mail directly” never works… never.
Kartik Prabhu
replied to a post on with
So there are a bunch of things going on with fragmentions and non-break spaces * fragmention.js replaces all whitespaces by a normal space while searching for text Now while getting a selection using “window.getSelection().toString()” and encoding it with “encodeURI()” browsers seem to do different things (see demo test: ) * Chrome simply encodes non-break space to UTF-8 “%C2%A0”. * Firefox replaces a non-break space with normal space and encodes it to “%20”. Bug filed here: To take this into account, I changed the fragmentioner.js script to simply replace the whitespaces in the selection text with normal spaces before constructing the fragmention URL
Kartik Prabhu
replied to a post on with
Update: Non-break spaces seems to be a problem in Chrome but not in Firefox; on the other hand ampersands work in both! Non-break spaces seem to work with my fragmentioner script. See the demo test My script is
Kartik Prabhu
2017 indieweb commitments * remove the over-zealous fragmention handling in receiving webmentions which assumes the double-hash “##” notation; use whatever URL is received. update marginalia to accept this. * delete the responses container if all responses are marginalia. * remove marginalia.js from notes (since it is useless there), and put only on article permalink pages. * fix responsive images height issue: currently my responsive images don’t know their heights and so cause flow when they load. This interferes with fragmention for instance. * fix hfeed2atom to display response-context in the Atom feed. * develop a mf2-format for a bibliography to represent metadata of scientific papers in HTML+mf2. Use it to get better representation of data on Prior-art: bibtex format, Atom/RSS from, others?
Kartik Prabhu
“Choose your tools wisely. It would be a terrible shame if you abandoned the resilient approach to web design because of a difference of opinion with a piece of software.”
Kartik Prabhu
“But my second CSS‐based layout didn’t take quite so long. After a while, it became normal.”
Kartik Prabhu
“[…]didn’t understand that the simplicity of the web was actually its strength. Because linking was so straightforward, anyone could do it.”
Kartik Prabhu
“Delivering software over the web doesn’t just replace the desktop‐centric way of working. The presence of an internet connection opens up possibilities for all kinds of collaboration.”
Kartik Prabhu
“[…] on the web there is no guarantee that what you see is what everyone else will get.”
Kartik Prabhu
“Designing a loosely‐coupled system can take more work. The payoff is that the overall result is more resilient to failure. Individual parts of the system can be swapped out with a minimum of knock‐on effects.”
Kartik Prabhu
and this is why CSS is awesome “There’s a huge variation in visual style: colour schemes, typographic treatments, textures and layouts. All of that variety is made possible by one simple pattern that describes all the CSS ever written: selector { property: value; } That’s it.”
Kartik Prabhu
this is why HTML is so awesome! “Now consider what happens when that same web browser encounters an element it doesn’t recognise.[…] Once again, the browser displays the text between the opening and closing tags. What’s interesting here is what the browser doesn’t do. The browser does not throw an error. The browser does not stop parsing the HTML at this point, refusing to go any further. Instead, it simply ignores the tags and displays the content within.”
Kartik Prabhu
replied to a post on Twitter with
Glad you found it useful. The original fragmention script is by @jon_neal though. I might post marginalia to your wook while reading.
Kartik Prabhu
About time @adactio wrote a “wook”
Kartik Prabhu
a beautiful visualisation of the Riemann zeta function.