
from Feb, 2018

Kartik Prabhu
Rounding up the usual suspects 1) supersymmetry 2) dark matter 3) MoND 4) quantum gravity
Kartik Prabhu
replied to a post on Twitter with
My bet is on tomorrow!
Kartik Prabhu
Seems like @twitter is becoming a place more for brands and less for people. Also, seems I am a terrible brand! #indieweb
Kartik Prabhu
bookmarked a post on because
Holy selectors, Batman!
Kartik Prabhu
404 Not found. @RookFoodDrink Ithaca, NY
Kartik Prabhu
403 Forbidden.
Kartik Prabhu
pretty neat game and proof!
Kartik Prabhu
Picked up contributing to mf2py, #python parser for #microformats after about 3 years! Many bug fixes Other experimental parsing features on #indieweb
Kartik Prabhu
replied to a post on Twitter with
yup! looks all good
Kartik Prabhu
replied to a post on Twitter with
oh no, I meant to convey the opposite — that calling out/being disappointed in assholes should not allow them any concession of belonging to another category or group. Weirdly, this seems to be my Thursday topic of conversation cc: @mathematigal
Kartik Prabhu
replied to a post on Twitter with
re 3) I am pretty sure assholery transcends any and all other categorizations of people
Kartik Prabhu
replied to a post on Twitter with
Your new RSS feed still seems to have the double https. Also, the RSS feed link at the bottom of your posts still link to feed burner.
Kartik Prabhu
replied to a post on Twitter with
I follow your blog via RSS, but the links to the blogposts are broken. For this post the link is given as ” https://https// ” Notice the repeated “https”.
Kartik Prabhu
Another beautiful series by Steve McCurry.
Kartik Prabhu
The point isn’t about XML validation. It’s that different browsers do different things when the namespace is not included.
Kartik Prabhu
Kartik Prabhu
Winter in Ithaca
Kartik Prabhu
replied to a post on Twitter with
oh no! I am on the interwebs!