Parallel Transport
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<use> SVG in Javascript
To use fragmentioner and marginalia on my site, I want to insert SVG icons into the HTML pages. Sounds simple unless you check all the browsers — Chrome and Opera just behave weirdly!
<href> in SVG
While creating an animated SVG logo for we ran into a strange problem where the SVG would display in some browsers and not in others. The issue is the different ways browsers handle XML — yes SVG is XML! So here is the problem and its solution.
Placeholder Images
The size of my images changes fluidly with my responsive layout. Since the browser does not know their heights a priori, the space collapses while the images are still loading. Once the images load the entire page reflows and the rest of the content jumps around to make space for them. It would be much better if the space for the images was reserved from the start and, as a bonus, if some lower resolution version of the images displayed, while the images load. Here is how I do it.
Equal Height Images with Flexbox
Images on the Web have a mind of their own. Want to place two fluid images side by side so that their heights are always equal? Flexbox to the rescue!
The Web’s Arrow of Time
I was looking into adding some navigation links to my post feed/archive pages, when I ran into an old confusion of mine. The Web has a completely messed up arrow of time!