
tagged css

Kartik Prabhu
So Chrome and Safari don’t like my site’s CSS grids unless I put a “width: 100%” on the Grid containers. No idea why but thanks to for the fix!
Kartik Prabhu
replied to a post on Twitter with
likely because no one filed mid-sentence punctuation as a use-case. And as we saw the box model is hard to get right as is.
Kartik Prabhu
replied to a post on Twitter with
The hanging quotes show up in @googlechrome but not in @firefox (see screenshot); not sure who is getting the box model text flow wrong.
Kartik Prabhu
bookmarked a post on because
Holy selectors, Batman!
Kartik Prabhu
Got rid of some fatwigoo ( ) from my site! Safe defaults with CSS as enhancement; I like it!
Kartik Prabhu
liked a post on because
“get to know it, understand it, and respect it”
Kartik Prabhu
“But my second CSS‐based layout didn’t take quite so long. After a while, it became normal.”
Kartik Prabhu
and this is why CSS is awesome “There’s a huge variation in visual style: colour schemes, typographic treatments, textures and layouts. All of that variety is made possible by one simple pattern that describes all the CSS ever written: selector { property: value; } That’s it.”