Kartik Prabhu
Nice short guide to sending webmentions.
Kartik Prabhu
The irony of this “like post” is that under the new backcompat rules (according to spec) the u-like-of is ignored under a hentry! see: http://microformats.org/wiki/microformats2-parsing#note_backward_compatibility_details
So it shows up as a mention to my post! :P
Kartik Prabhu
Took a solid 10 hours but better backcompat parsing rules in mf2py now https://github.com/kartikprabhu/mf2py
Kartik Prabhu
Picked up contributing to mf2py, #python parser for #microformats after about 3 years!
Many bug fixes https://github.com/kartikprabhu/mf2py
Other experimental parsing features on https://github.com/kartikprabhu/mf2py/tree/experimental